Friday, February 08, 2008


Stimulated by a conversation with a mate in the pub last night I have decided to pluck up some courage and try a little bit of satire...


Thanks to assbach for the original image.

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Geoff said...

Matt! I didn't know you had it in you :)

Anonymous said...

I understand the sentiment; undoubtedly announcing judgement in a pridefull and love-less way, and scaremongering is not the way to usher people into the Kingdom of God...

However, the other two points make me wonder... Why must one be cured of holding to a 6 day creation (closer to 10,000 years ago)? Is this so narrow minded?

I understand satire, but, I don't know, something about this just didn't sit right. Are those that believe in a 6 day creation in the same vein as those that obtain joy from pronouncing judgement without love?

I think that we, as Christians, are excellent at extremes. We are good at being fundementalist and we are good at being liberal, but we often fail to find any middle ground. We are to live in love, to communicate effectively the message of Christ, but let us not be so quick to throw out baby and bathwater...

Anonymous said...

It's amusing how proud the “emergent movement” is of it’s humility.

Anonymous said...

Matt, I don't know a great deal about the 'emergent movement'. I left the church before the denomination, er, emerged. From what I know of you, I'd argue that you haven't always mixed in such apparently liberally minded circles. I wonder if you could write a little in your blog about your transition to the emergent movement, how it came about, what attracted you to it and if there's any lessons you feel the wider church could learn from it. I know that's a big topic, but some specifics from your own personal perspective would be fascinating. Thanks. S.